All quotes are from GIRL ON THE FERRIS WHEEL by Julie Halpern & Len Vlahos.

1. Time and love are like river. Sometimes they take you where you do not know you need to go.

2. Dark thoughts, however, pretty much smother all motivation to do anything.

3. When I watch movies, I am able to leave my head for a spell. Go somewhere instead of here. Be someone instead of me. But sometimes a crappy thought can still sneak in.

4. Sometimes, when I’m overthinking things or just hating on myself even too much for, well, myself, I turn up the volume on my music really loud in hopes of jarring the thoughts right out of my brain.

5. I also would rather confront my demons than let them fester.

6. Doing things for the sake of appearance is just dumb.

7. Sometimes people hurt other people without meaning to or even knowing they’re doing it.

8. Depression is not a choice. It’s not something I can drop. It comes. It goes. Sometimes talking helps, but sometimes it hangs around even when I should be happy.

9. Art in any of its many forms is probably native to humans, regardless of where or when we’re from.

10. Women are pretty insightful. Men…not always so much.

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